The Godstone Brewers:
There are a few perks to working in a Creative Team.
Especially when your Art Director’s Mum co-owns a local brewery.
After creating Godstone’s first ad campaign (bottom of the page), and with the hope of bagging some more free beer, we offered up our services to develop a new identity for the brand.
Fancy trying one? Head to (mine’s a Polly’s Potion).
Art Director: Will Jackson
A tale behind every ale
(and lager, and porter…)
Godstone is all about locality. Local beer, inspired by local stories. From Buzz, the brewery’s very own ‘guard’ dog, to Polly Paine, a notorious witch whose skills included transforming into a cat or hare (apparently).
Our labels aim to capture these stories, using playful character-led illustrations and anecdotal copy to create bottles that not only stand out on shelf, but stand out against other craft beers.
The Godstone Brewers:
Keep the stories flowing
Apple and cinnamon. Tea and <insert biscuit of choice>. Gen Z and TikTok. Some things just go together. And beer is no different.
No, I’m not talking about pork scratchings. I’m talking about sharing a story or two over a pint of the good stuff.
For Godstone’s first ad campaign, we wanted to not only capture this thought, but inspire people to get out there and act upon it (over a Godstone, of course).
Art Director: Will Jackson